One fine day I was overcome by the thought that maybe I should use my baking steel a bit more. So I mixed a dough, undeterred by the fact that I didn’t have enough yeast, a long proof should do the trick. The steps were memorized, my imagination was already painting a vivid picture of a nice round pizza pie with a bubbly crust, and then the reality of shaping the damn thing slapped me in the face like Einarr’s open right hand. What was I thinking? I can shape a country loaf, I can shape a rectangular sandwich loaf, but pizza? It proved to be a battle to hard for my amateurish hands and I ended up with more like a pide, pizza’s distant cousin. And to top it off I didn’t use enough flour so the thing stuck to the peel. What a mess, albeit a still pretty edible one. Time will tell if the second ball of dough I still have will fare better.