Apples for thought

[In a corner at the campfire Alduhir sits and scribbles into a small notebook]

Things keep getting weirder. This stone disease thing was strange enough. I mean, we ended up curing it somehow, but don’t ask my how that actually worked. For one I was quite distracted with that whole raven thing and also there is the other thing… Sophia might be the only one who really would have understood it, but we parted ways with him during that time. Pity, he was probably one of the few sane ones of this group.

Anyways… For some reason we decided to put some believe in the ramblings of Sou Far and find the source of his newly found aversion to fire. If you ask me, that guy had mental issues long before. That cleanliness craze is definitely not normal. At least not where I grew up. I wonder what they did to him in that monastery…

The newest fad is that they think they’re now master chefs and discuss recipes during travel. Well, at least the food got better now. Much better in fact. Especially Harf seems on a roll! I didn’t know dwarfs can be such good cooks. But then he is probably not your ordinary dwarf. They kept bugging me about contributing, so I made pork strips with apples and onions. One of my gotos while traveling. Luckily I had some juicy apples left. Those did fit rather well. Also, the apples were payed for this time! Even if -stealing- liberating apples from the unknowing fruit merchant is ideal to hone your skills, I think I’ve learned my lesson last time…


Coughwort & Salads

Haps … munch …

A Ranger always manages to find food and I fur suuure never starve. “munch .. munch”
But let me tell you spring is the best time if you want to experiment with the things, that nature presents you. “munch .. munch” Coughwort for one is obviously always a feast for the eyes, “munch” but a dressing made out of it’s stems “munch munch munch munch … munch munch” fits the little puffs filled with goatcheese and some salmon just perfectly.

“Wait! why is my plate empty?”


Which Witch Ate My Ribwich?

Pork ribs with a kombu, salt & lemon pepper dry rub.

So, if you want umami (essentially glutamates) in your food, there’s many ways to go about it. Soy sauce, fish sauce, miso, parmesan, tomatoes, mushrooms, plain ol’ MSG, heck, even green tea has some, and there’s many more sources. What really fascinates me about kombu right now is how it totally adds a savory taste to whatever you throw it on, but at the same time it seems to be much more subtle than the other ingredients. Your ribs just happen to taste more mouth-watery all of a sudden.

Sweet and Sour Memories

Recently I had to see

what it meant to me,

to have a bite,

with all my might,

of a juicy apple.

Alduhir, the expert in this matter,

gave me one, which I saved for later.

The bite was firm, liquid’s dripping,

from my chin till I start sipping,

it was a battle.

The taste was sweet,

sou good this treat

and Al was happy for me as well,

filled with tears his eyes began to swell

in memories of his first apple.