I mean, not bad bad, but still… baking on a hot summer day does all sorts of things to screw with your timing, and the loaf ended up a bit flat. Me thinks it was overproofed.
I mean, not bad bad, but still… baking on a hot summer day does all sorts of things to screw with your timing, and the loaf ended up a bit flat. Me thinks it was overproofed.
Simpler, yet more complicated. Previously there were eggs to help, now it’s just pasta water and cheese to carefully stir into a creamy sauce.
Bacon, egg & cheese, combined just right into a creamy sauce. Guanciale or pancetta would have been nice, but the bacon worked fine as well.
Noo, not Shamash cheeseburger, smash, you know, just smush the beef patties into the pan until they get really nice and brown with slightly crispy edges. Maybe someday I’ll make an actual burger in the name of Shamash.
Sliight improvement.
Thought I’d celebrate the good weather and make summer rolls with a peanut dip, and I don’t know if it’s the smaller wrappers or something, but rolling was much harder than I remembered and I gave up harfway through, dumped everything in a bowl and called it a day.
Tasty either way, no question.
Pretty much the same elements as the vegetable galette, different preparation. Took more care with the dough, keeping everything cold and letting everything rest, and was rewarded with a pie crust that was much nicer and flakier.
At my young ages I spent some time with a group of druids. I learned a bit about herbs and medications. One warm spring day we came across a shrub it has nice white flowers on it and it has the sweetest smell I ever came across. Even 50 ft away one could smell the flower. The druids told me that it is called Elderflower and the showed me how to make a syrup out of. It lasts forever and one can keep the smell for years.
It’s a breakfast sandwich, served for dinner. So what? I’m a free dwarf, you can’t shackle me with lowly food rules, haha!