Or how to evade beeing smelled from a mile away

I fear my dream of finding a second family enjoying the wilds, hunting for game and collecting whatever nature offers us, seems to never find fullfillment with my current companions. Most of them prefere the convenience and confinement of a city. Do not mistake me, to me everyone of them is an amazing riddle that I seem to not be able to solve jet and I look forward to learn more about them. But it makes me miss the assurance and lightness in beeing yourself, that a family gives you, so much … Like how my Grams always took me to the side and showed me some little secrets or helped me prank my Brothers.
Just take that one time, when Dhyib and Faras mocked me about not beeing able to stealth my way up to this rabbit at a hunt…. “Little Kuhr is such a cluz! be happy that you are dads little girl, cause you will never be a hunter!” That night she sat with me and showed me how to make these two kinds of green pastes … really delicious and garlicy. But whilest the one made with the bears garlic made the smell ooze out of your fur the next day, the one with the hedge garlic did not. So the evening before our next hunt I grilled everyone some nice fish and greens and I seasoned it with green paste … Just that I gave my brothers the bears paste … and they ate quiet a lot. Come the hunt. I caught myself a white-tail and for some magical reasons my brothers did not even manage to hunt themselfs a slow toad. I brought my trophy back to the tribe and had a good chuckle on my brothers. They could never quiet figure out how their hunting luck could be so bad from that day on. Of course I eventually stopped making them smell like a walking Yuan Ti repellant. But they never made fun of my hunting mishaps again. Till this day the wide grin on Grams face, whenever they fuzzed about how the animals always seemed to magicially know they where there and run off, makes me smile.
Hmmm, a wonderful story, and I must admit it leaves me pondering…
I know my veggies mostly in pickled form. And even then, not all that much. I adore what a mind creates, most pointedly so when it’s a piece of music.
True, I’m drawn to cities. For the craft, as luthiers bend wood into lutes and brewers distill ingredients until their origins are a mere echo hidden in the invigorating burn of a high volume drink. For the audience, because applause and laughter, or the chatter of a tavern, are noises whose magic I have found no match for anywhere else.
And yet, with my fascination for what people create, it seems nature weaves its hand of creation more deftly than I have been willing to recognize, offering an entire garden of delights out there that escaped my attention. I can’t help to think that every time I planted my bum down in a meadow or glade to play the lute by myself I might as well have been sitting on a buffet table, oblivious. I’d hope with inspiration like this to be less so in the future.
Huh, that was unexpectedly poetic.