Getting Fancy With Chicken

I butchered a whole one but didn’t really plan what to do with it, so this came out kind of on a whim because I had ingredients lying around. First is a Chorizo Cordon Bleu and second is a deboned chicken thigh confit served on a salad of fried beans, cucumber and radishes. The confit combined with the beans was great, way better than I expected. It’s rare these days that I manage to cook something that surprises me.

Braised Beef Tacos

I know, I know, I’m wondering myself, will there be an end to it? Will there come a day where I’ll get fed up with this? No more rolling tortillas, no more braising a big chunk of meat low and slow for hours until it’s fall apart tender? The careful arrangement of ingredients? You know what? The day hasn’t come yet. I’m sure to let you know when it does. Until then, nom.

Bánh Xèo

What is Bánh Xèo if not a Vietnamese Taco? The thing that bothered me about my past versions of Bánh Xèo was that I was worried it would fall apart or wouldn’t get crispy enough, so I resorted to a mix of flours and the texture never ended up being quite right. Turns out just rice flour works just fine if you are patient enough to get it crispy.