Crispy Duck Breast Chow Mein

The prep for this is more low and slow than one would think. Start duck breast in a cold pan to render the fat and get a crispy skin, cook noodles, drain, spread out to dry, fry slowly until crisp as well, time everything right with the veggies and make a nice sauce with the pan drippings until you can finally combine everything to a layered dish. Whew.

More Dessert Experiments

I’m sure there’s a part of the dwarven community that will curse me for doing this, but I wanted to mix some whisky into the sauce and felt like the taste was too sharp, so I cooked off some alcohol off. And you know what? It’s kinda nice, but still somewhat overbearing. But the textural mix of streusel, cake, nuts and ice cream was good, so that’s that.



In its most simple form mostly avocado, onions and salt, season with lemon and sugar to taste. The thing is, preparation matters and if you mush the onions in a mortar it gets a more distinct onion flavor, something about broken cell walls and enzymes, so I dug out my trusty granite mortar and pestle. Served the guacamole in a cheeseburger. I have a fondness for cheeseburgers, can you tell? Shoutout to Quiz for the original inspiration.

Caramelized White Chocolate Miso Ganache

Another one of those ideas that sound all sorts of weird on paper, but end up really intriguing in practice. Roast white chocolate in an oven until it caramelizes, briefly do the same with some miso, and mix it all together with some water and sugar to balance the saltiness until you get a smooth sauce that packs all sorts of complex flavors. Like a more adventurous version of salted caramel. I honestly have no idea what to do with it, but I’m already wondering how it combines with whisky or dark chocolate. Mixing it with my afternoon coffee to clean out the bowl was already pretty interesting.