
Is it weird that at 11 in the night I thought to myself I need to relieve some stress, and the first thought that popped into my head was to mix together a gloopy ball of dough and let it ferment overnight? There’s something about the slow process of developing a dough that’s just nice. And the end results aren’t bad either.

Go Eat Your Greens

Never liked brussel sprouts as a kid. Always served plain boiled, tasting bitter, and all assurances that they were good for you fell on deaf ears. So you can imagine my confusion when every once in a while you’d hear people raving about how great they are. Well, I had to find out. Hot cast iron skillet, oil, sautéed with some ham and onion, tossed with a tabasco sherry vinaigrette and served on a bed of mashed potatoes. I think I like brussel sprouts now.