*HARF Harf HARF!!!!… a Pigeon arrived for you!
It was a rather cute little thing, but had a strange accent. It instructed me to tell you the following:*
*clearing throat*
Hear thee, hear thee, Harfimdur Blackbuckle! Ye have come to know of your many talents. The fluffienes and exquisite handling of thy spoon, knife and lovely instruments have left thy indeed inspired.
Ye, the secrete council of the culinary bardig association (CBA) of Qirm, would like to congratulate thee not only to what thee accomplished, but furthermore ye are looking forward to the creations thy cunning Harfimdur will be creating in the future. Ye, be assured, will have thine eyes furthermore on thee and await greatness and grace in thee work.
*then the Pigeon winked… I did not know they can even do this*
So, with much respect and delight, ye wish thee further adventures, to hone thee skills. One day ye may cross paths. Be assured and kindly warned *another wink* a friendly duell, followed by a banquet my take place.
Fare well, young and ambitious dwarf!
Thine sincerely,
*PS.: Make Sure to give Einar and Sou Far some extra food, they… amm… thine-something need some more!*