King Oyster Mushrooms

I found some King Oyster mushrooms in the forest. This a delicious mushrooms named after king oyster. Some said he was so addicted to them that he took those instead of the taxes. And in the winter when there was no mushrooms left he totally lost his mind. Some even say that he jumped out the window because he has hallucinated a pile of mushrooms.

But those are only old wives tale so please enjoy


How to capture a smell

At my young ages I spent some time with a group of druids. I learned a bit about herbs and medications. One warm spring day we came across a shrub it has nice white flowers on it and it has the sweetest smell I ever came across. Even 50 ft away one could smell the flower. The druids told me that it is called Elderflower and the showed me how to make a syrup out of. It lasts forever and one can keep the smell for years.


Baking frees your mind

I found some raspberries while making handstand and praying. I will make a roulade out of them. I hope the others like it. I am really happy I have found them. They are a bit strange but they don’t charge. Except Alduhir, he does not get it that Dwain is not the goblin he was before it’s just some bones I use. Like he uses wood and steel for his daggers there is no living left in it. The goblin is at a better place now he don’t need his bones. I hope he will understand this one time. I like him some how.

Oh the Roulade is ready. Hey guys I made something for you.