Goodberry Deliciousness: Travel Edition

It is actually amazing. We’re roaming around north of the middle of fucking nowhere and the food is better than at most inns. It’s surely not mum’s cooking level, but definitely at the top of what I had since leaving home. And it keeps getting crazier:

Somebody – I’m quite sure it was Harf – started with baking! Initially I wondered how that should work out. Seeing that we left civilization far behind us, we have no oven and ingredients are hard to come by. But after coming back from a round of foraging there it was: A full on DIY oven made from stone. I suspect that was a collaboration between Harf’s knowledge around stones, Nim’s engineering skills and Einarr’s strength, or flex or whatever it is that powers that guy, to put the stones in place… And that whole thing actually works too!

I’m not good at baking myself, but here is this one recipe for this delicious berry cheese cake my mum always made, that I know how to make. Okay, I only watched her make it, but it was often and I thought I’ll give it a try. The hard part was getting the ingredients though. Berries naturally are easy, but the remainder is mostly made from various dairy products which first go bad rather quickly – especially when you run around and your bag is getting crushed and what not all the time, and second you need animals to produce it. Well, let’s say that much, milking a fucking owlbear borders on suicide. But, in the end we succeeded. There will be scaring though. And not only the physical kind…

The final product didn’t turn out half bad, so I’m pleased. I did come up short of berries in the end, so I had to “liberate” some of Quiz’ goodberries. She only carries them around until they go bad anyways, so no harm in putting them to good use. Also, she seemed quite distracted by the catnip…

Fun fact: The goodberries loose some of their healing power when baked. They now only heal psychic damage taken from name puns. Sou far so good, but only harf as useful… *uses-bonus-action-to-hide*


Apples for thought

[In a corner at the campfire Alduhir sits and scribbles into a small notebook]

Things keep getting weirder. This stone disease thing was strange enough. I mean, we ended up curing it somehow, but don’t ask my how that actually worked. For one I was quite distracted with that whole raven thing and also there is the other thing… Sophia might be the only one who really would have understood it, but we parted ways with him during that time. Pity, he was probably one of the few sane ones of this group.

Anyways… For some reason we decided to put some believe in the ramblings of Sou Far and find the source of his newly found aversion to fire. If you ask me, that guy had mental issues long before. That cleanliness craze is definitely not normal. At least not where I grew up. I wonder what they did to him in that monastery…

The newest fad is that they think they’re now master chefs and discuss recipes during travel. Well, at least the food got better now. Much better in fact. Especially Harf seems on a roll! I didn’t know dwarfs can be such good cooks. But then he is probably not your ordinary dwarf. They kept bugging me about contributing, so I made pork strips with apples and onions. One of my gotos while traveling. Luckily I had some juicy apples left. Those did fit rather well. Also, the apples were payed for this time! Even if -stealing- liberating apples from the unknowing fruit merchant is ideal to hone your skills, I think I’ve learned my lesson last time…